Poster presentation at RESSI 2023

Once again, Solayman will disseminate his progress but, this time, towards a specialized audience as he is attending RESSI 2023, the annual symposium of the French community on the Systems, Software and Networks Security.

Talk at the 2023 Annual GRIC Symposium

Solayman, our Ph.D candidate on anomaly detection, has been invited to present the first results of his work at the Annual Symposium of GRIC, the interdisciplinary research group on cybersecurity at the University of Sherbrooke.

Paper accepted at FPS 2022

Solayman’s first paper has been accepted for presentation at the 15th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2022).

Poster at RESSI 2022

GRIFIN will be presented at the poster session of the French symposium on the education and research community in information systems security (RESSI, a conference supported by the CNRS research group on cybersecurity (GDR Sécurité Informatique), on May 11th.